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Multi-point Continuous Combustion Analyzers

Boiler Performance Optimization

Water Treatment

Air Pollution Control

Burners & Fuel Conversions

Extractive Probe

EES’ Delta Measurement & Combustion Controls (DMCCO) manufactures multi-point continuous combustion analyzers for use in particulate-laden gas streams including utility and industrial boilers and lime kilns. DMCCO’s analyzers, measuring CO, O2, NO, and more, assist in improving combustion and reducing NOx, loss-on-ignition (LOI), and slagging. With this new best-in-class O2, CO and NOx instrumentation for feedback and optimization DMCCO can offer customized engineered solutions for challenging environments.

DMCCO uses a patented extractive probe head with an automatic purge designed for applications that contain heavy particulate and high ash loading. Various length probes can be installed in a grid formation and local cabinets can be mounted close to extraction probes for simple and low-cost installation.

Key benefits of DMCCO:

  • State-of-the-art continuous combustion analyzer technology
  • Highly reliable NO and NOx systems feature a custom extractive probe design
  • Incorporate a measurement method using precise chemiluminescent analyzer technology
  • Provide precise SCR inlet and outlet NOx measurement and control
  • Replace existing high maintenance analyzers and elaborate extractive sampling system
Additional Benefits Sample Probe Specifications
  • Easy installation – probe length and flange sized to fit your duct
  • Engineered probe head (patent pending) and automatic blowback keeps ash out
  • Multiple levels of moisture and water vapor separation ensures –accuracy and reliability
  • Automatically zeroes the nondispersive infrared analyzer to eliminate drift and improve accuracy
  • Reduce NOx emissions
  • Improve efficiency
  • Decrease slagging
  • Improve O2 control
  • Decrease waterwall corrosion
  • Decrease LOI
  • Material of Construction: 316SS
  • Dimensions: Application Dependent
  • Process Connection: ANSI 150#, RF Flange
  • Particulate Filter: 2 micron, silica carbide, integral to probe
  • Patented Particle Separation







CFD Modeling

Economizer Outlet Emissions Grid for a 800+ MW Utility Boiler

CFD modeling (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to measure and understand aero and fluid dynamics

Diagnostic Testing

EES assisting in boiler and emissions testing

MACT tuning, energy assessments, and plant evaluations for utility and industrial boilers