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SO3 Monitoring

Field Services

SO3 Monitor

 EES provides continuous SO3 Monitoring services for Power Plants. Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) is formed as a by-product during the combustion of fossil fuels for

power generation and is also used or produced in many industrial processes. At temperatures below about 200°C SO3 combines with water vapor to form sulfuric acid which has corrosive effects on plant surfaces such as Air Pre-heaters and on the environment.

At power plants EES’s SO3 measurement equipment provide data to allow power plant operators to burn fuel most efficiently to minimize corrosion and limit acid discharges to the environment. SO3 Monitoring and continuous testing is also important where it is formed as a by-product (e.g. NOx Control Systems).

Technical Specifications

  • Range: 0-200ppm
  • Accuracy: +/- 5% of reading (in calibrated range)
  • Response time: Approx. 60 seconds
  • Ambient temperature: 0-104°F
  • Power requirements: 110VAC 50/60Hz, 350W

Application and Benefits

  • Air heater optimization
  • Efficiency studies
  • Boiler and SCR optimization
  • ESP/FGC performance and optimization
  • Plume assessment
  • Impact of alternative fuels
  • Future compliance testing